MUNI Mobile 2.0

Public Transit Planner

Making it easier to understand and navigate transit options in San Francisco through one app.

Rethinking the MUNI App

The San Francisco MUNI is currently undergoing the process of building the second version of the MUNI app. As a personal side project I designed what the new app experience could be, integrating the new features that the MUNI wants to add. This includes alerts, crowding, and integration with Ford Go Bike.
Landing View
The landing view provides a quick glimpse of nearby bus stations with arrival times and bike station availability. Menu button provides the user with all options.
Ticket Purchasing
Right from their phone the user can purchase a transit ticket. They can choose from several options, whether it be a single ride or a multi-day passport.
Transit Stop Information
Lists all of the transit lines available at a stop. Gives additional information about crowding and any delays.
Transit Line Details
Gives all upcoming times the bus will be coming. User can easily toggle between inbound and outbound lines.
Transit Options
User can easily see all transit options, including options for their last mile, like using a Go Bike station or walking.

Research Methods

As a member of the San Francisco Transit Riders I attend their monthly Transit Action Committee meetings. During one of these meetings I learned about plans and features of the future Muni App. I decided to take on creating some designs to later present to Muni. I first went to my sketchbook to start getting some ideas formed and from there, I started creating some mockups in Sketch.
Project Details

Timeline: 2 weeks

Client: Personal Project for Transit Riders SF

Contributions: Research, Visual & Interaction Design

Tools: Sketch