Design Path

Career Aptitude Test

A website for those interested in a design career in the technology field.

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Peoples skills aren't been matched with job needs

The design field within the technology sector is growing exponentially every single day, but yet there are few resources online where you can learn about the potential options. Design Path was created to fill this void, by matching someone's specific skills and interests with a career.

Design Path consists of a 3 Step Process:


User discovers the website and is able to explore potential career paths before taking the quiz.

Take Quiz

User can then take the quick and fun quiz that is based on their skills and personality.

Get Results

User gets his recommended career with a description and a visualization of skills.
1. Discover
The home page is friendly and inviting, while explaining the overall concept. It also encourages the user to take the quiz.
2. Take Quiz
User takes quiz where they are asked a variety of skills based on their personality and preferences.
3. Results Page
User is suggested a career, with a description, and a skills map. They are also welcome to explore other other careers.
Responsive Design
The website is fully responsive, making it easy for people to take the quiz while on the go.

Want to know what your design path is?

Take the live quiz

Process Work

The first task was to decide which careers to highlight, from there we designed a ranking system and wrote questions based on skills, abilities, interests, and values. Based on the answers we created a system to tabulate the individual results for each user. We also wireframed and did mock-ups of the general look and feel of the website.
Project Details

Timeline: 3 weeks

Type: Group project for Intro to Web Design

Team: Nalena Santiago, Meredith McDermott, Mirai Akagawa

Contributions: Research, Mock-ups, Visual Design

Tools: Illustrator